Frank's sunsets

My husband and I love to travel, so, even after having kids we have continued to do it often. We have always been of the opinion that if you start traveling with them when they are young then they will get used to it and become good travelers...even growing to love it with us.
After five years we are getting pretty good at the whole traveling with kids thing, but, while on our recent trip to New Mexico, we encountered one of our biggest traveling hurdles with kids so far. Our two year old daughter refused to fall asleep in our rented house.
Our solution? My amazing husband Frank decided that he would drive her around in the car every night so that she would fall asleep. He did this all 14 nights that we were there. He is amazing.
As an artist, and not one to loose out on a good opportunity, Frank would park in a beautiful stop every night after she was asleep, and do a watercolor of the sunset. Many, many sunsets. Each of them is lovely and a perfect snapshot of the place, time of day, light and atmosphere. I love looking through them and thought that I'd share a selection of my favorites with you here.
Call it a father/daughter colaboration of sorts.