Brooklyn streets...

I spend a big part of each day walking around our area of Brooklyn. We do have a car, but New York is really just not a driving culture, and a big part of what we love about our life here is the "pedestrian lifestyle" of being able to walk everywhere.
As I walk around I am usually pushing a stroller and walking slowly with my other little one, so I've got the time to enjoy the view. There is so much to take in visually on Brooklyn's streets it can be overwhelming at times, but there are gems. Like the wall mural above! This is in the neighborhood of Fort Greene and I think that it is about immigration...but is obviously open to interpretation. I love the rainbows and elephants.

This wonderful "secret garden" gate was recently put up on a block near our's. I enjoy walking by this house because it is owned by a landscape designer who is always doing something exciting and creative with the small space at the front of the house. Doesn't this gate just beg to be opened? There is an element of mystery and magic to it...I love how they have created a small private space for themselves in the midst of the city! That's what we are all trying to do here, carving out our small space amongst it all.