There has been lots of brainstorming going on in our family lately, lots of reaching for the stars and discussing our ideal life. Frank and I have been knee deep in this sort of talk, which is definitely exciting, but not all together relaxing and calming. It feels really appropriate that I finished this new painting, Grow, just before we left for I feel like that's what we were able to do a lot of on our trip. GROWING our dreams, bigger and with more clarity (there is my word for the year again) has been our huge topic of focus as a couple for a while now. A great catalyst for this has been taking the Together e-course, over at Creative Thursday that we started in January . The class is now sadly over but our discussions and breakthroughs that were facilitated by the course have just begun for us. More than ever we are focussing on our desire to both create our art for a living, and the changes in our lifestyle that need to happen to make that a reality!
We've got some big plans, but before I share that, I realised in Florida how much I need to slow down. The effects of stress, and it's wear on my body, started to show themselves in the week before our trip. To the point where I can not ignore them any more. So now that we are home there are some big changes....the biggest and most extreme one is that I have given up caffeine.
As a mama who really enjoys her cups of coffee this is a tough one, but already I feel more in control physically, and I can already sense that my body really needed this change. As I sit here sipping my new found drink, decaf Chai with foamed rice milk (yum!), it doesn't feel so bad, but talk to me at 3PM and we'll see how its going. I am still in the transition with that.
I have also started to take time to stretch my body, knowing how much my body longs for the old days when I could do hours of Yoga, and to take brisk walks again. It all feels so good. It comes down to the simple truth that I have been pushing myself too hard and I just can't keep going and going with out focusing on self care.