My First Blog Birthday Celebration Give Away!
Happy Cinco de Mayo, and thanks for stopping by for my first blog birthday celebration! One year ago today I started blogging with this post, and I really never looked back. The act of blogging has become a "practice" in my life, part of the rhythm of my days, as well as a tool to help me to live more in the moment. For me blogging has not only been a great way to connect with other creative people but it also helps me to take notice more often and to appreciate the small details that make up the rich tapestry of my life as it is right now.
I am continually inspired by all of your beautiful creative blogs, and I am so happily surprised by the warm community and the friends that I have made here! I didn't expect that when I started! As a way of expressing my love for all of you, I am celebrating this anniversary with a give-away.
I am offering this wood mounted print of my painting Conquest.
To enter just leave a comment on this post, you can enter a second time if you become a follower of my blog (if you are already a follower just leave that in the comment and I'll enter you twice!). I'll close the comments and randomly select a winner on Saturday morning.
I am continually inspired by all of your beautiful creative blogs, and I am so happily surprised by the warm community and the friends that I have made here! I didn't expect that when I started! As a way of expressing my love for all of you, I am celebrating this anniversary with a give-away.
To enter just leave a comment on this post, you can enter a second time if you become a follower of my blog (if you are already a follower just leave that in the comment and I'll enter you twice!). I'll close the comments and randomly select a winner on Saturday morning.