Angel Oak
We've been starting to explore the area around Charleston a little bit on day trips. This week, on a drive back from visiting a new beach we saw an inviting sign saying "Angel Oak", a name which totally drew us in....down a long dirt road into the woods,
Until we came to a small parking lot next to a log cabin visitors center, and saw this...
The most amazing tree that I have ever seen.
They estimate this oak to be around 400 years old, but I would have guessed older as it looks like it has been growing in this spot forever. It was named as, "its massive draping limbs and wide spreading canopy present the aura of an angel". Its arms are growing in all directions,
many of them are buttressed up with posts to help support their weight,
some are even growing into the ground, and then out again,
This detour reminded me of the rewards of being open to unexpected detours, and the beauty that sometimes can be found down long roads into the woods! (Even though sometimes the kids refuse to get out of the car, and miss it!)
Happy Weekending!