
I thought that it would be fun to finally post some belly shots, so I snapped some the other day just out of the shower, these are the first ones that I have taken this pregnancy. I'm in my 18th week now, almost half way!

I am feeling worlds better now than I was even a couple of weeks ago, I have definitely turned the corner with my morning sickness and it feels so good to have my energy back and to be feeling good! I've also started a great prenatal yoga class that is kicking my butt in a good way and helping me to meet other mamas. The class welcomes pregnant mamas as well as mothers who want to bring their babies to yoga, this is especially fun for me right now as being around babies gets me excited for what is to come, its all feeling more and more real each day.

Here are a few other shots of life around here these days....
fort building in the family room happens more often than not here,

The vacationing tourists on spring break have started to become a part of my morning beach walks, the ocean water is still cold but they are out there playing and we've been having a string of great weather in the 70's, feels like spring has sprung.

Carys usually has one of the kitties in her arms, its love all around,

Our kids recently asked for their own rooms, which has been a project that I've been working on, I'm looking forward to posting pictures of that soon. Since they have always shared a bedroom, it has been fun for me to now decorate a specifically "boy" room and "girl" room for each of them. Jasper has chosen a safari theme and Carys wanted a mermaid room, both of which have been really fun!

Sending a bit of the sea to where ever you are! xo