21 Secrets GIVE AWAY!

Monday the 28th is the BIG DAY!!!! 21 Secrets Autumn 2015 comes out, including my painted mandala lesson and 20 other lessons from amazing artists! Don't be left out of the fun~ order your copy now RIGHT HERE.

I'm doing a GIVE AWAY of TWO spots over on my Instagram account,  CLICK HERE to head over to my Instagram feed and click on the first mandala photo for entry details, I'll be announcing the winners of the 2 give away spots over on Instagram at 6pm on Sunday the 27th. 

AND even if you don't win you can CLICK HERE
to purchase you own copy, to be delivered on Monday, yeah!! By this time Monday afternoon you could be diving into all the juicy lessons!


The group of talented people that they have brought together really blows my mind, so many great lessons and techniques to use to pump up our studio practice.

When I'm in the studio one of my favorite things to do is pop on a podcast or video for inspiration and these are just that...videos and instructions that will inspire and guide you as you go at your own pace.

If you aren't familiar with the interactive eBook 21 SECRETS let me fill you in...

Every artist needs 21 SECRETS!

Imagine pulling out your art journal and having 21 talented artists there beside you eager to share their art journaling techniques, approaches, and wisdom with you!
That’s what 21 SECRETS is all about!
With over 25 hours of videos and 150+ pages of full color photos, templates, and detailed clear instructions — the talented teachers of the 21 SECRETS eBook will help you discover new techniques and bold approaches to art journaling that will get you creating with more gusto and joy today!

What You Receive With 21 SECRETS

  • A downloadable 150+ page eBook that contains 21 art journaling workshops packed with 25+ hours of videos, full color photos, templates, and clear instructional content that is yours to keep.
  • Unlimited access to all workshops at once! You pick and choose which ones you do and when.  There is no time limit or deadlines to meet — these workshops are yours to keep!
  • Membership to the private 21 SECRETS Facebook community where you can share, be inspired, and receive warm, supportive feedback.
  • The opportunity to learn a variety of art journaling approaches and techniques from the comfort of your home/studio.
  • Become a vital part of a supportive online artist community that has been growing strong since 2010!  At 21 SECRETS we celebrate everyone’s unique expression and support artists in becoming confident and courageous while creating from the heart!
To see the full list of the season's Workshops and Teachers click here or on the button below, there you'll also get all the information on how to register for instant access to all of the 21 SECRETS lessons!


All of this season's teachers have so much goodness to share, so much talent gathered!


Sending love and HEAPS of inspiration for your journey,